In this course I will introduce you to various techniques for producing thin, gauzy dresses, we will work with lightweight models which take account of our different sizes as women. We will work with different techniques so you experience all the opportunities you have, whether you choose to sew your dress together, or use the felting needle to collect it, or to felt the dress together, there may be pros and cons and we will review them together.
The course is full, there is a waiting list

VITA Charlotte Buch


1986 Textil, Danmark/ Rundetårn/ Århus kunstbygning/ Brandts Klædefabrik
1996 - 98 Felt without borders/ Maihaugen, Lillehammer, Norge/ Nordens hus, Færøerne/ Hafnaf jords Institution of Culture and fine arts, Island/ Tekstilforum, Danmark/ Sôdertâl je Konsthall, Sverige/ Suomen Kotiteollisuus Museum, Finland
1998 Filt - Borgå, Finland
2000 Filt - Moesgaard, Danmark
2000 - 2003 FELT FILZ ART Crafts and Design/ Censored international Felt exhibition/ Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe, Deutschland/ Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld, Deutschland/ Landesmuseum für Geschichte Dresden, Deutschland/ Deutsches Hirtenmuseum Hersbruck, Deutschland/ Craft Museum of Finland, Finland/ Galerie der Stadt Aschaffenburg/jesuitenkirche, Deutschland/ Nederlands Textielmuseum, Holland
2002 Tekstilforum, Danmark
2002 Filt - tradition, klâr, konst, Ôterbybruks Herrgård, Sverige
2003 “Explore” solo exhibition, Galerie Smend, Køln
2003 Visby, Gotland
2003 Ôstersund Jurtastaden, Sverige 1. nov. - 12. dec.
2006 Striber på langs og på tværs - Stoftryk og Væver laugets Jubilæumsudstilling
2006 Exhibition i Jämsä, Finland
2008 On the Felt Journey, Jämsä, Finland
2009 Felt in Focus, Rådhushallen Odense
2011 Felt Amazing, Vancouver, Canada
2011 Felt in Focus, Rådhushallen Odense
2012 8th ISS Animal Fibers: Art informs Shibori, HongKong
2012 Nordlys - Det Røde Pakhus, Hobro
2013 “Flower” soloexhibition Grønbechsgaard, Bornholm

1978 Furrier seamstress
1979 Shepherd
1986 Graduated Textile Designer, from the Danish Design School
1998 Adult educator, v. Royal Danish School of Educational Studies